Thinking of coming along...

We operate a "try before you buy" policy so you can come along and try a lesson with us for FREE.

  • We don't demand that you join on the first lesson.
  • You don't have to buy kits from us - but we will let you know where to go.
  • You don't have to be fit - training will help with that
  • Age does not matter - our adult class ranges from 18 - 70
  • Even if you have physical problems you can still enjoy Aikido with us
  • The club has an active social side - Pub outings, meals and trips to international camps

Interested - what now?

Come along to a lesson, just bring some loose clothing like jogging bottoms and a T-shirt

We train on a Monday and a Friday evening at Dinton Village Hall and start at 20:00. Lessons are two hours long but don't worry you can take a break if you need too.

If you want to know what Aikido could do for you, please read Why Train Aikido?

If you need any other information please contact us